[TRANSITS] Olivier Caleff is a TRANSITS Head Trainer since 2018.

The OpenCSIRT Foundation fulfills the role of "Head Trainer" for TRANSITS trainings organised by GÉANT.

On behalf of the OCF, both Olivier Caleff and Don Stikvoort act as "Head Trainers".
[Open CSIRT Foundation] - opencsirt.org]

Excerpt from the GÉANT Web site
Source → https://www.geant.org/Services/Trust_identity_and_security/Pages/TRANSITS_Training.aspx
TRANSITS-I courses are aimed at new or potential computer security incident response team (CSIRT) personnel who wish to gain a good grounding in the main aspects of working in such a team.
They cover basic incident handling and response techniques, operational practices, organisational and legal issues.
TRANSITS-II courses are aimed at more experienced personnel working for established computer security incident response teams (CSIRTs).
They provide an in-depth study of network monitoring techniques, forensic analysis, the use of 'fire drills' for improving response and coordination, as well as providing training in how to improve communications with constituents.

Key ID 0x40009346
Email: TRANSITS "at" caleff "dot" com

PGP KeyID: 0x40009346

PGP Fingerprint: 3D75 29D8 0593 8153 5FC6 55C9 6BFC B595 4000 9346

PGP Key available locally and on keyservers such as pgp.mit.edu, pgp.circl.lu
PGP Key 0x40009346

Olivier Caleff is currently working as a Security Expert at SANOFI.
His other activities include being:
— a TF-CSIRT "Trusted Introducer Associate", a "TRANSITS-I and TRANSITS-II Head Trainer", a "FIRST Liaison" —
— an OpenCSIRT "SIM3 Certified Auditor", a COFRAC "Evaluateur Technique" —
— a member of the "Cloud Security Alliance" —
— a Trainer and Program Committee member for Masters of Sciences on Security, and Cloud Computing security—
More details are available on his LinkedIn profile.